AT-1 error message: "Firmware Expired"

Refer to the installation manual of the AT-1 starting on page 51 as well as the user manual
from page 16 you will find more information about the update process. 


FLARM systems, including the AT-1, require periodic software updates to maintain their functionality. These updates are available free of charge. If you do not perform your update once a year, the message "Firmware Expired" will appear after a short warning period. This indicates that your device now has limited functionality.

Please note: Not all display systems can provide this message in plain, understandable text. To keep the FLARM firmware active, you should integrate the annual updates into your maintenance process.

Update files for the AT1 can be downloaded for free on in the "Customer Service" section. On the English version of the site, the section is called "Support."

The update is done via a USB drive. The USB drive must be FAT or FAT32 formatted. The best is an "old" USB drive with low capacity (e.g., 4GB).

  • Download the update file(s) and place them in the root directory.
  • Insert the stick into the USB extension supplied with the AT-1. 
  • Then, start the AT-1, and wait about 5 to 10 minutes. 

The currently installed software version can be found on the configuration web page, in the log files on the USB stick, and in the AIR Traffic Display under "Port 2 Device" and "Info" (provided the AT-1 is connected to your ATD there, if not then under "Port 1 Device").




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