AT-1 WiFi configuration page no longer loads completely after update


We try to avoid it, but some updates in the AT-1 are sequential, i.e. they require a certain version status before the update in order to carry all functions after the update. This is due to the introduction of new setup parameters for new functions, which are then sometimes ambiguous to older parameters.

The AT-1 must be updated once a year to keep the FLARM function. We always set up updates in such a way that there are never any problems if you are in the normal update cycle, i.e. you continue to update valid or recently expired versions.

However, if the case occurs that very old, longer expired versions are updated, conflicts may occur that disable some functions.



This also affects updates of the AT-1 to version 12 or later (released in February 2021 and later). These require at least AT-1 version 8 as the version prior to the update. If you have an earlier version installed (e.g. version 3) an update to version 8 is required first before updating to newer versions. 



To resolve the conflict, please follow these steps:

Very old units with extremely outdated software: first, perform an update to version 8 of your AT-1. This actually older version can be downloaded here:
After version 8 has been installed, please update again to the latest version (as of July 2021, this is version 16). You can find this here:

Current software: Please update to the latest version. 

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