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AIR Traffic and AIR Traffic Displays
- ★ AT-1 error message: "Firmware Expired"
- ★ My ATD shows "Waiting for traffic receiver"
- Bearingless targets (Mode-S targets) and their distance
- AIR Traffic Display: Target Identification
- AT-1 Update: WiFi no longer working
- I get traffic warnings from a towed aircraft in a tow plane See all 19 articles
COM and Transponder: AIR COM, AIR Control Display, and VT-01
- The error message APTDB EXP appears in my ACD-57
- An error message XPDR WARN CONNECTION CODE 00002000 appears
- A message LOSTCTRL appears in the ACD
- AIR Com and Microphones
- The altitude of my transponder transmission shows a red cross in the ACD-57
- Control of radio and transponder via third-party devices See all 10 articles